Accommodation: School Hökarängsskolan or Gubbängsskolan
Number of overnight stays: 500 people
Sleeping on hard surface in classrooms
Bring your own airbeds and sleeping things
Accommodation: Hotel Sure hotel by Best Western in Älvsjö, 3-star hotel
Number of overnight stays: 60 people (first served)
Double or single rooms on economy hotel. Shared bathroom in corridor
Accommodation: Hotel, Maudes hotel in Enskede, 3-star hotel
Number of overnight stays: 26 people (first served)
Double or single rooms
Accommodation: Quality Hotel Winn in Haninge ,3 ½ star hotel
Do your own hotel booking direct to the hotel
Please contact: for link and discount code
NOTE: If you want to book other hotel we can not guarantee transport from and back to the hotel.
Cup card A: 1300 SEK/person
Accommodation: School (Hökarängsskolan or Gubbängsskolan)
Contains: Two nights sleeping in school, Friday 17.00 to Sunday 10.00 (bring your own airbeds).
Dinner at Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
Transports during the tournament to/from living, dining and gyms
Cup card B: 2100 SEK/person (+400 SEK for single room)
Accommodation: Hotel (economy), Sure hotel by Best Western in Älvsjö, 3-star
Contains: Two nights sleeping in hotel, Friday 15.00 to Sunday 11.00
Dinner at Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
Transports during the tournament to/from living, dining and gyms
All meals (expect breakfast) will be served in Hökarängsskolan
Cup card C: 2900 SEK/person (+1000 SEK for single room)
Accommodation: Hotel, Maudes hotel in Enskede, 3-star
Contains: Two nights sleeping in hotel, Friday 15.00 to Sunday 11.00
Dinner at Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.
Transports during the tournament to/from living, dining and gyms
All meals (expect breakfast) will be served in Hökarängsskolan
Cup card D: 1200 SEK/person
No accommodation
Contact our partner Quality Hotel Winn Haninge and get tournament discount.
Contains: Dinner at Friday, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday and breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Transports during the tournament to/from living, dining and gyms
All meals (expect breakfast) will be served in Hökarängsskolan